Contests & Races For The Water

Balloon Relay

Teams of two or more line up in the shallow end of the pool. One team member has a blown up balloon and must swim with it across the pool and back, handing it off to his teamate who does the same. If a team lets go of their balloon, they’re out of the race. The first team with all it’s members racing back and forth with the balloon, wins.

Beach Ball Throw

Teams of two face off, one member holding the beach ball. When they are comfortable with the distance of their choice, one team member throws or hits the ball to the other. If the ball is caught, then their distance is recorded. The furthest distance wins.

Big Splash Contest

Contestants of the same age group compete to make the tallest splash.

Biggest Baddest Belly Flop

Limited to contestants 18 years and older, each participant gets one chance to belly flop into the pool. Judged on form, attitude and noise at impact, the contestant who gets the loudest cheers wins.

Boogie Board Race

A Timer and Signal Person are selected to start each heat and record the best time. On signal each contestant rides a boogie board for a specified length of the pool. The best time wins.

Dive For Prizes 

A quantity of pennies are thrown into the shallow end of the pool. On signal, anyone who desires can find as many as they are able (or want) and exchange each for a piece of candy.

Free-Style Swimming Race

For a designated distance of the pool, by age groups, swimmers race using any type of stroke they desire.

Hang On to the Beach Ball 

One at a time, contestants jump on top of an oversized beach ball and try to hold on without rolling off. Longest time wins.

Huggy Bear 

All contestants must be in the pool. Everyone dances to the music. When a number is called out, those playing must get into groups of that number. Anyone not in a group of that number is out.

Noodle Race

Timer and Starter Person are chosen to record the best time and start each heat.  All contestants line up at one side of the pool, straddling a “noodle” which, on signal, they must ride for a set distance. If they lose the noodle, they’re “disqualified.” The best time wins.

Ping Pong Race

Each contestant gets a ping pong ball and line up on one side of the pool. On signal they must blow the ping pong ball through the water while swimming to the other side, turn around and blow the ball back. They can only move the ball by blowing it, and may not use their hands, or head, or splash the ball. The first one back with their ping pong ball, wins.

Smallest Splash

Contestants assemble at the deep end and in turn enter the water and try not to splash. The one who has the most negligible splash, wins.

Underwater Swimming Competition

Contestants of the same age group line up along the deep end of the pool and one by one enter the water and swim as far as they can under the surface, on one breath. The person who swims the furthest, wins. 

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